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TP Wood
The Driving Force Behind 77° North

First, the novel silhouettes Inuit culture, especially the role of shaman. 77° North recognises this ancient tradition, and hopes, within the confines of this adventure, to cast fresh light on the stewards of the land and their indelible right for self-actualization.
Second, the novel showcases the role of women and the urgency for gender equality. To exemplify the feminine as a vital remedy to the health of humanity, offering a more balanced and compassionate world.
Third is my artistic desire to write a captivating and imaginative novel reflecting contemporary issues. Every life is a story, and 77° North acknowledges the vitality of our individual and collective journeys.
My greatest hope is that 77° North gives us all cause to reflect on the opportunity to add a little magic to our lives. The magic of forgiveness and healing, steeped in truth and setting the record straight..

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